Monday, September 26, 2005

Things That Deserve a Smackdown from The Catchka (Me)

1. Repeatedly violating boundaries that have been explicitly laid out (i.e. stop calling me to talk about nothing after 11 at night because you are acting more like a creepy ex-boyfriend than just a friend); thereby demonstrating complete disrespect for said boundaries and a penchant for narcissism and childishness that I will not tolerate.

2. Taking advantage of my friendship and hospitality, then only acknowledging and apologizing once you have need to take advantage again. This after continually having your friends pick up the pieces after poor decisions, and ignoring them when they are not picking up pieces. This does receiver a lesser smackdown, but it does get a tiny one.

3. Emailing me inappropriate and horrifying fantasies thinking that I will understand and identify, thereby receiving absolution for terrible intentions. Especially from someone that I barely communicate with as it is.

4. Renting my sister a U-Haul with wheels that fall off, and then not refunding her money and making her move more traumatic than it already had been.

5. General selfishness and assholeness in the face of having a chance to be a decent person. This can include infidelity, being abusive, being an emotional leech, and generally being a pain in the butt without ever contributing anything.

1 comment:

nanni said...

Very good list.