Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Things On My Mind Today

Also, Clearly My Brain is Atrophying

1. Someone in the office is stealing cheese-sticks, including the last one out of my bag in the fridge. I’m not the only one this is happening to. It makes me feel like a bit of a cube cliché, but oh well.
2. I need to decide which CDs or DVDs to buy. I’m leaning towards the new Coldplay (shut it, Grace) and the Harry Potter DVDs.
3. I need to pre-order the Harry Potter book with my 40% discount. Go ahead and be jealous.
4. I saw more yarn that I want on e-bay. Like Target, e-bay is both evil and good.
5. I need to join a gym. I think these pants are tighter than when I wore them on vacation this winter. That is very sad.

1 comment:

nanni said...

Very nice. Love the links...especially the Grace one. You are too funny.