Monday, August 09, 2004

Completely Dorking Out (and loving it)

As of late, I've been heavily involved in several crafty projects at home.  Heavily involved meaning having started, or only have planned in my head but I bought stuff for it so I better do it, or  having just finished after months of laziness.  I can't go into details here, but mostly this all involves cross-stitching and crocheting. It's to the point where a friend called me up on Saturday because she knew I'd want to go to Michael's and she needed to run errands. I have another friend that came over Friday night to cross-stitch with me, although all we did was talk. You'd think with all this out-of-the-closet dorkiness, that I'd be the craft guru, knower of all things and completely able. Let me tell you this is not true. I mainly come up with ideas, and ways to put them into practice that are completely over my head. But that'll be fine. I'll just have to go to someone who's an even bigger dork. Or so dang good, that they have surpassed dorky and are just plain cool.

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