Thursday, March 13, 2008

Go Watch This (a recovering survivor speaks out against pro-ana websites)

A friend of mine made this video, which I just think needs to be seen and I think she is amazing. And that there are probably a lot more people than I am aware of that need to see it and need the support to continue to fight and recover. Which is something I can understand.


Lady Bills said...

i'm just happy to see that you are blogging again... that's all i know!

hey member when we would eat soup and sandwiches at panera? yeah i liked those days and ache to turn the clock back.

cat said...

I miss that too!! And i miss your guts. but only your guts:) now i want to see you.

Kelly said...

That's a great video. You know what's too bad though is that the links next to it are all thinspiration shots. Bleh.