Monday, February 19, 2007

Driving into work today…

The “service engine soon” light makes me nervous…I’ll be bringing it to the dealer tomorrow.
Is Tristan extra shaky today? Is the car trying to veer off the road? Breakdown in the middle of the lane and get me into a horrible fiery accident?
Must go to gym today.
Am I happy with the speaker dock I bought…?
Must write some thank you notes;
Must not procrastinate above item any longer.
I wonder if John Mayer would want to be my boyfriend. Even though it wouldn’t work out, maybe he’d write a song about it…
Mr. Legend would also be acceptable, though he might be a player…
Amos Lee maybe? JT, even though that would totally be just a fling?
Alexi Murdoch! That would be good.
Any guy with a voice and a guitar really would do…
Seeing The Police at Fenway would be awesome.
Need to make a workout playlist for that lovely red ipod of mine…I’m thinking vintage Madonna, some JT, Pet Shop Boys, Ben Folds, maybe some Clash or Ramones and I really need more suggestions for songs to include (that’s a hint, internet).


nanni said...

I have always found '80s pop to be good workout music. And hair band music. But save the awesome rock ballads for the cool down part of the workout.

cat said...

Yes, I do need that. Any specific suggestions? I tend to completely blank out...(esp with hair band music)

I do need to have "Kiss Me Deadly" on there...

cat said...

I meant...suggestions esp for hair band music, not that I especially blank out on them...

its early.

nanni said...

Hmmm....I often forget and might have to start listening to some of my 80s cds to get a good list. But here's a couple:
Unskinny Bop, Welcome to the Jungle, Paradise city, maybe some Metallica or Foreigner. And also, don't forget some NKOTB.

cat said...

Those are some excellent suggestions! Esp. paradise city and some metallica...

Unknown said...

What, no song from Rocky as he climbs up the stairs on his training run?

nanni said...

Rocky was suggested at dinner tonight too, so that must go on there since 2 separate sources have recommended it.

And also, Goodbye to You was on the radio and I think that would be good. And there was another song on in California Tortilla but I can't remember what it was.

cat said...

Goodbye to You--absolutely!

I personally find the Rocky theme annoying and not the right kind of cheesy, so there is no way that will get me through another 3 minutes of cardio:)

Something in You by the Orange Peels is totally going in, thank you sammie!

Also, for some reason I really dig ACDC You Shook Me All Night Long---every time it comes on the radio I MUST listen.

And Smashing Pumpkins-Rat in a Cage.

cat said...

Oh and Geoff--dude--blog already.:):)

Unknown said...

how bout some Dream Theater and/or Evanescence?

cat said...

I don't know Dream Theatre...but Evanescence is an intriguing idea...that's some good melodrama. I could do that...

Unknown said...

you should Napster some dream's heavy, but good for work outs. How about Chris Tomlin, or Jonah33 (again with the Napster), or Toad the wet sprocket??

cat said...

I clearly need to be schooled. The only people I know on that list are Toad the Wet Sprocket. Whom I love.