Things That Are Amusing Me Right Now
1. That ‘alarm clock catastrophe’ song from dunkin donuts commercial. I feel like that every day. It is a catastrophe when my alarm clock goes off. Especially when the pager went off several times in the middle of the night.
2. This onion article. I am a Law and Order: SVU addict.
3. A very addictive word game that I want CoWorker1 to play. It would lessen the guilt if someone else at work was wasting time on this.
Things That Are NOT Amusing Me Right Now
1. My face. Seriously. I have really sensitive skin and it has been freaking out, leaving my face all red and rashy and dry and gross.
2. The fact that it is still morning time. I am not a morning person.
3. Being blocked from any and all online music-listening sites at work. I have some very tedious stuff to do and I need a distraction that is not number 2 above.
4. What I brought in for lunch today. It’s a corn chowder that did not turn out very chowdery.
I used to play a game like that on a different site, i think it was called word whomp or something. Totally addictive. I have a problem. I also got my mom addicted to it, and I would sit next ot her and tell her the 6 letter word and it drove her nuts.
And also, mornings=bad.
Mornings are bad. Boo.
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