Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Rundown


And also: yes to what is said about the current season. I am becoming both apathetic and angry with what they are doing to the characters I used to love to watch. I didn't always like what was done before with the writing, but this is so much worse.

A note to The Powers That Be at Lost: Do not become the X-files. Just don't.


Kelly said...

Britney: Amen!

Gilmore Girls: That article was interesting. I don't know if I necessarily agree with the analysis "Indeed, that was the charm of the old show: women, fundamentally women without men, were compelled to talk as fast as they could to keep their loneliness at bay." I don't think it was about loneliness. What I got from early Gilmore Girls is that Lorelai and Rory supported and understood one another in a very unique way. For them, although men came and went, men weren't the ultimate necessity, you know? Sometimes they broke down, but ultimately they were strong and didn't "need" the men in that co-dependent way that every other woman on TV and movies needs a man.

cat said...

Yeah, i didn't agree with all they had to say about past seasons, but i am pretty onboard with what they said about this season. L-A-M-E.

The dialogue is so off, and there is that X-factor that is missing. Two women who were already complete and smart and loveable and human. They were different and made non-traditional choices and all that 'follow thier own drummer' whatnot and it completely worked and made me like them.

jasmine said...

Look at you. I have missed you, where have you been all my life?

nanni said...

What I hate the most about it is those stupid aerie girls commercials. MAJOR HATE THERE.

Also, not down with the whole Christopher thing.

Kelly said...

G, yeah, what the freak is an Aerie Girl?! They were all like "Logan was so insensitive, and OMG Lorelai and Christopher had their first fight and made it through" blah blah blah. Gah!

I do like Christopher as a person, but I liked Luke and Lorelai as a couple. Until some random daughter of Luke's showed up. The second that happened I knew they were going to ruin Luke and Lorelai and I was sad.

cat said...

Jasmine: i've been right here waiting.

also: yes, those dumb aerie girls who are scripted to tell us what we should think about the episode. David Rosenthal is an idiot and knows that people are displeased (to put it mildly) and so needs to try and brainwash us into liking his show. boo.

And i hated how they started writing Luke as if he were an big oafish idiot. he was grumpy, but not stupid and a complete social ass. Please.

This thing with Chris is just too picture perfect and glossed over and all 'oh look what a cute family they turned out to be'. give me a break.