Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It’s Alive!

The blog is not dead, it has merely been trying to adjust to the change in weather. There’s some of kind of sleeping sickness that goes around when it gets all chilly and cold. I think the blog might have gotten it from me. I personally prefer to be in bed with the humidifier on; tv remote in one hand barely reaching out from under the covers. But that’s just me.

My life has been fairly sedate and fairly even-keeled. It’s everyone around me that has the craziness, some of which I won’t mention here.

I was able to see Kate the weekend of Shannan’s wedding. The wedding was lovely and fun and very Shannan and very just…good. I made friends with all the little kids and hung out with a few people I haven’t gotten to see that much. I almost forgot how great it can be to walk into a room and know that you are just accepted and loved and that people want to be with you.

One quick cute anecdote about the wedding: Our not-so-matronly matron of honor, Jenny, is the mom to one of the four flower girls, O. O is one of those little 4-year olds that will just tell you exactly what she is thinking and will say things like ‘Look at the aaaalllll the pretty flowers!’ mere seconds after spreading them down the aisle during the actual ceremony. She enjoys her little world and is pretty imaginative and active. During the ceremony she needed to go sit, which she had been told was okay, so came to find me. She laid her little head down on my lap and told me how she was sad. I had no idea why, but the middle of the vows was not really the time for a conversation. When the time came, she got up and walked back down for the recessional, tears pouring down her face. We thought it was strange, but still had no idea. She got in the car with her mom and dad after pictures, and blurted out “I don’t waaaant a new daddy!!”. We came to find out that since Mommy was holding flowers just like Shannan, it meant that BOTH Mommy and Shannan were marrying Bill. The whole time this little girl thought she was watching her mom marry this other guy who was supposed to be her daddy now. Cute and heartbreaking.

Cute and heartbreaking should totally be my new tagline.

I went from the casual reception that featured some Cat and Shannan hang-banging, serious BBQ, and me sharing my dark chocolate cake with yet another adorable little girl to Kate’s house. I love going to Kate’s house. It is the place I’ll go whenever I need to be taken care of. I imagine that if I ever actually date someone, and that someone breaks my heart, that is the place I’ll go. It wasn’t many days after her father’s funeral, so hopefully this time I was the one that was able to be somewhat comforting. I’ve said to her what needs to be said, but I’m so glad that I was able to be physically present for her at some point.

My other major life happening is getting sick and being interviewed over the phone for a podcast. I never get sick. I can tell I’m aging because my body no longer has the immune system is used and I actually had to leave work early and go to bed because I was running a fever. 101.7 degrees. Like a lite-fm station. Now, I woke up about an hour before I supposed to get the phone call, because I wanted to be all with it and together and intelligent sounding. This did not happen so much. I couldn’t even remember my home phone number, after giving it to the poor guys twice. Wrong twice. Then anytime I meandered or lost my train of thought or forgot what question I was babbling about I’d yell “Fever Brain!” into the phone. I’m sure that was very convincing that I was normally well-spoken and eloquent and generally able to carry on a conversation.

That is my life people. Besides the change of hair, which I’ll have to post photos of later, and some work stuff which will need to remain not on the blog.

Next, you might hear how I dressed up like a pig in a blanket for Halloween. And how terribly exciting all that crocheting and tv-watching is. (Seriously, haven’t you been watching Heroes, and praying that Lost will recover?)


nanni said...

I have not been watching Heroes or Lost. I have been watching Gilmore Girls and Jericho though. And tonight will be watching Ugly Betty and Gray's Anatomy. My life is soooo freakin' exciting!

And I'm glad the blog is back. I miss it when it is on a break for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

You never once mentioned "fever brain".

cat said...

Great, so now I also hallucinated (or am I still currently hallicinating?). Maybe the whole blog is all a dream... :)

g--you know how i feel about what is going on on GG. The jury is out on Jericho...