Thursday, November 10, 2005


Main Entry: blog-i-gi-tis
Function: noun
Etymology: Catoglyphics fused with New Latin

Blogigitis is a sudden decrease or total stop of posts caused by blockage of the brain. It can cause the affected blog to become useless, meaningless, and/or lifeless.

Blogigitis is often caused by major stress, laziness or procrastination. Factors in the blockage of the brain are the same, and can also include being boring, banal, and tired (including being tired of being boring and banal).

In my case, I plead major work stress and irritations, with a smattering of procrastination. It has been very crazy at work, with us being in our super-busy crunch time while having less than half the staff needed to complete the work. And having the normal irritations and things that eat up your time that come with working with other people, only a bit more exacerbated. And doing testing for a client that will not be happy or particularly helpful. All my productivity and efficiency is being sucked up at work, as well as my ability to be coherent and thoughtful. So I am tired and use non-work time to vegg or recharge or see people; but this week it is for vegging since work has been this way for a while now. It'll be better in about a month or so, and we might even have open positions filled and broken co-workers feeling better. Although, since I am able to be super productive while at work, our team is getting praise and I haven't had to stay late that often; I just get out loads of stuff in the time I am here.

In the off-time, I'm still doing the hotline and I like being on the back-up/peer supe team, I attend family weddings, go to bridal showers, crochet, do errands, get whisked off to parties once in a while and do online Christmas shopping.


Kate said...

you're the least banal person i know! i'm glad you posted. i've missed your entries!

nanni said...

Banal? Ha! I don't think so.

I have also missed your entries. Welcome back. Hopefully work will get less crazy and stressful so you can provide us some more highly entertaining posts. Because I love them and need them to get through the day.