Friday, May 20, 2005

Fun Stuff

cat, your emotions are triggered by your underlying belief in Compassion

In other words, your uncompromisingly compassionate nature directly affects how, and how often, you experience certain feelings.For example, your test results indicate that you're most fulfilled when you can lend a helping hand to those who really need it. That factor is directly related to your fundamental belief in compassion and the range of emotions it triggers.

I'm guessing this is because I answered 'calm' when asked if I feel about having a trainee cashier.

cat, you're a Natural Beauty

No fuss, no muss — you're a practical beauty who doesn't rely on frills and passing fads to show off your style. Down-to-earth and oh-so-cool, friends count on you for good advice and a strong shoulder to cry on.You know what you want out of life and don't worry about impressing others with over-the-top outfits and the newest crazy styles. You've got a healthy dose of self-confidence that simply radiates beauty and grace. And nothing's more natural than that.

Yeah, inner beauty and whatever.

cat, you're inspired by Learning New Things

You can't help but be amazed by all the wonders of the world, from the way things work to how your friends relate to one another. That's because you're an inquisitive individual with a sharp eye and a quick mind that never stops questioning.Whether you're spending hours glued to history programs or enjoy perfecting a new skill like anything from karate to knitting, you've got a serious thirst for knowledge. You probably constantly impress your friends with your diverse talents — and the facts at your fingertips. Besides, your constant curiosity charges you with a fun, childlike energy that others can't help but get a kick out of. So keep on with your curious ways. You're sure to stumble onto the next great thing any day now!

Dude, I've seen my roommate's PhD stress.

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?

Well, everything's not quite roses and teddy bears for you, but you do tend to look on the bright side of life (we can hear those Monty Python boys whistling right now...). Sure, you sometimes bitch and moan about your problems (who doesn't?), but deep down you're pretty sure that everything will eventually turn out fine. When the weather man says it's going to be sunny, you leave your umbrella at home. In general, you like to be around people, and you try to make new friends when you can. You do your best to take things at face value, rather than making mountains out of molehills. Basically, the world is sort of like a big coconut to you: tough and hairy on the outside, but, when you get down into it, there's good stuff inside.

At least now I know I'm definately not Pollyanna!

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