Tuesday, January 13, 2004


An Ode to Tammy's Brilliance

a conversation with Cat

T:GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Since Saturn's journey through your sign,
you've taken a second look at your responsibilities. Love goddess Venus bears glad tidings; upon meeting someone, the words "soul mate" pass through your mind.

this is lame lame lame. what the hell does it say anyway???

C:Clearly, I'm your soulmate!

T:that's because the moon is in your seventh house and jupiter aligns with mars

C:Oh, see, I thought it was because mercury was rising in my last quarter
and saturn's rings are fully realized.

T:that's a good one!
don't forget that you haven't fully explored your potential due to the
asteroid belt being in line with halley's comet

C:Hence, I will not find my life partner until the full moon equinox
coincides with a meteor shower.

T:we are hilarious!
i hope the g's appreciate our humor and wit for their entertainment

C:Oh, they do. They will or else. But I bet now they'll make us bacon or
something equally fabulous at the party next Tuesday.

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