Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Which X-Files Character Are You? Take the Quiz

so. i think i can kinda agree with that. of course i had to go back and change some of my maybe answers so that i wouldn't be monica reyes. besides, i could be a ninja, just like scully:)

my friend amy and her relatives lisa and brennan came in last wednesday, and then they leave tomorrow. it has been very fun having them around. they were all staying with me, but then lisa and brennan checked into thier hotel on saturday and amy has continued to stay with me. it's nice to have her around again. she gets my sense of humor and i can just be myself around her. last night we saw a free movie outside, on a huge screen, ala ' the wedding singer'. unfortunately, no matthew mcaunahay (however you spell his name), just jorge trying to be cute and flirty. i don't mind talking to him, but i do mind him staring every once in a while. we had one date, it shouldn't be that hard to get over:)

we had a very fun and busy weekend. saturday was actually rather mellow. we walked around by the water and also saw 'minority report'. and you know, i wasn't expecting to like it as much as i did, i would highly recommend it:) we also went out saturday and met up wiht some friends and had some very excellent food:) i love the atmosphere around harvard square. it is lively and people are around and you can also just relax and hang out. sunday we went to church, but also drove around checking out some historical sites around concord. the north bridge and the lexington green. there is still some very pretty countryside there, it hasn't been made into a tourist trap or anything:) and we came to the conclusion that the minuteman statue has a very nice butt. not that i'm that kinda girl, but there is just no denying it. heehee. i did finally speak to gavin again on sunday.

to back track a bit actually. we all went out wednesday night to see a very fun band, jim's big ego, play at the kendall. my friend pat met us there and gavin also ended up showing. and you know, i think he was there before i noticed him, he just didn't make himself known. and i really don't know what to make of that. kind of weird, i think he likes to laugh at people too much. he was with us for a bit, but he wasn't really into it , and then he got paged to work. i don't know if i could date a guy that has to be negative, and can't just try to appreciate something that you obviously really enjoy. it's not that it just 'wasn't his thing'. in fact, that is not how he put it at all...he just put it down and was more condescending about it than he had to be. i mean, this boy is still totally into 70's disco, bigtime...i don't think he has much room to talk there. we also spoke on thursday, i think. for some reason i can't remember thursday at all right now:) oh yes. my visitors went to the cape and came back late...so i did talk to gavin in the evening. and can i just say? apparently lisa and brennan have had definate rough spots in thier marriage, but they have been married for 14 years and are so freakin' cute together. that's all i have to say about that.

so i spoke to gavin on the phone on sunday, after we had gone to mike's for desserts. very yummy. and for the record, gavin did call 3 times before i got back to him. i only know this, however, because of my caller id. it is clear that he, for some reason, has some interest here. and i have to admit, it is nice to be persued and for a guy to be mature about it and not play dumb little games. there is no waiting for me to call next, or waiting a certain amount of time, it's just nice and candid. no open talk about us dating specifically, but we have conversations that just flow, and are at times serious or fun..and he is always very open. i do appreciate all of this, i'm just not so sure i appreciate it enough to override these reservations of mine. and it does become more and more clear that he is pretty rigid, and wants things a certain way. he thinks about a future family (who doesn't) and whether or not he'd want his wife to stay home, etc..but it just doesn't seem like he leaves much room for what she'd actually want. not that i personally would't want to stay home with my kids when they are young. but the fact is, i would want to be asked what is i want to do, instead of told. it's a show of respect, and there is the simple fact that it is the woman who would have to give up her career, and has to go through pregnancy and labor... and no, it isn't fair. and that's fine, it just needs to be acknowledged and respected. i just find that gavin, as much as he may protest differently, seems to have expectations of how things would be. he's already decided so many things and needs to have control and needs to have his way. and sometimes he may be right, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't take an alternate approach, or consider that somone else sees things differently. i think maybe with him it is all about how he approaches things. i think you need to be understanding towards someone else's views and feelings and desires...instead of expecting them to follow yours, because you said so. even if it's because 'the bible says so'...he's just so dang rigid and uptight. now i'm getting all ranty, but i think i got my point across.

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