Thursday, July 13, 2006


1. I had peanut m&m’s for breakfast today. I only meant them to be a breakfast-appetizer, but I kept eating them.
2. Last night I watched ‘The Hills’. More than once. We all know that Lauren just needs to dump Jason for good. I could get into a big discussion about that, but I’ll spare you the details.
3. I wish I had a bigger raise.
4. There are some people in the world that I am hating on right now. They do not want to ever cross my path.
5. I have not been to the gym in about three weeks.
6. I never called the italian-guy back. I did genuinely miss most of his calls, but there was one that I actively avoided. That’s what you get for telling me I should be naked, I guess.
7. But really, I found the positive non-platonic male attention very ego-boosting. The Mormon boys won’t look at me twice, but at least I now I have proof (besides what I think) that I could actually be desirable to a man.
8. There are many things I mean to do, and very little that I actually get done. This applies to many facets of my life.
9. Including my spirituality, I’ve been thinking on this one.
10. I am lazy.
11. I am a little daunted by our family vacation. I’m not sure how well I’ll handle that stretch of concentrated time, especially considering sometimes I’m ready to scream within five minutes of being near my parents. It’s like I’m a 13-year-old loser that they don’t really like all over again.
12. There are a few tedious tasks to be done, but I’m totally procrastinating because I hate doing my project timesheet.

1 comment:

nanni said...

Somehow I missed this post. But now I'm glad I found it. I also sometimes watch The Hills. She so needs to be done with Jason. The Mormon boys don't know what they're missing b/c you are wonderful. PB m&ms sounds like a fine breakfast to me. I am lazy too. I have that problem with family stuff too. And I hope I'm not one of the people you are hating on right now.