Friday, July 22, 2005

My Day So Far and All the Melodrama It Entails

First, I decided to try and dress a little cuter today. I haven’t felt like shopping and I’m feeling a little frumpy and pudgier than I’d like to be, so you know, dress cute! Chase away the look blahs! Um, yeah. Put on one of my favorite cute summer skirts from last year and realize that once again, I HAVE gained weight. I’m just too damn fat to wear the good stuff. (And I’m not even really fat, just pudgier than I want to be. Curses!) There is no way then I can wear my very summery and awesome white and red skirt. This saddens me and sets me off on my day in a FOUL mood.

Add to that the crapola that is happening at work. Mainly in the form of things not working and data breaking and also, my co-worker was really starting to get on my nerves. Her datasets will be available when they are available and not any sooner and so suck it. Also, the mood became FOULER.

Also, I was pretty much ready for someone to be incredibly rude so that I could take out the foulness and tell them off in an eloquent and yet biting fashion.

No, that did not happen.

So because of the fatness of my hips and buddha, despite rigorous exercising and some dieting, I decide to treat myself to take-out sushi (healthy yet an indulgence! Yay raw fish!).

I walk out to my car with a sense of foreboding and lo and behold there is a splotch of bright purple bird poop just above the door handle.

Thus endeth the melodrama.

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