Friday, June 06, 2003

First off, I have to start this post by giving a big shout to the awesome Debbie and Jason. I just had a great conversation with them and they are amazing and I am so blessed they are my friends.

So, onto the reason we are here: the friday five, which I rarely do, but the heck, at least it's a post. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a run-on sentence.

1. How many times have you truly been in love?
Honestly, not once. I've loved someone I was dating, but I was not 'in love' with them. I'd really like to be though. Is it sweet or just loser-ish that maybe the first time I am truly in love will be with my future husband?

2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
I guess this is not applicable. But the guys I have dated have on the whole been kind, supportive, funny and intelligent. It's just sometimes they are jerks, or spineless or I'm 17 and know I'm not in love, or about to leave for college.

3. What qualities should significant others have?
I suppose this could be a long list. For me, they need to share my faith. They need to be strong emotionally and spiritually. They need to be intelligent and sincere and share my sense of humor and be compassionate and supportive and just a genuinely good person. I think in general, it's a good sign when you both bring out the best in each other (which may sometimes be balanced by bringing out the worst, but as long as that is not all they bring out in you) and you make each other want to strive for more, whatever that may be. Maybe that last thought is better said by someone who gives you the space and support to become what you desire, to be the person you know you can be. You know you have someone who trys to understand you and gets you and is supportive no matter what. Somone I would not be ashamed to be completely vulnerable with. If I had someone that I could tell my deepest fears to, someone I could tell how depressed and sad I was and not be embarrassed or feel stupid and ashamed, that would be a keeper.

4. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Yes. I can think of three. Jeff, John and Mike. Maybe not Mike so much, but definately Jeff and John.

5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
I am clearly not an expert, but I suppose I would want to teach them to not be afraid of it. To be open to receiving and giving love. Which runs the gambet of letting yourself be vulnerable, loving yourself, etc..

That all being said, I know that I am a dork and a sap.

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