Monday, January 20, 2003

Not to pigeon-hole people, or succumb to easy stereotypes, but there are several types of people that I do not want to become. Lately, I've been subjected to listening to or dealing with individuals of whom I have to think " Don't let me ever be like that". I don't want to be a girl that takes any opportunity, no matter how in apppropriate, to just show off. And to probably, primarily, show off for a guy that I have shamelessly thrown myself at, in front of people and to thier secret amusement no less. I don't want to be the type of person that constantly has to bring up the world-changing-uber-important job I have when I really don't have to in order to make my point. I don't want to be the type of person that has that really fake laugh while making some inane comment with a self-important tone. You know the type. Granted, sometimes to be polite you have to laugh at something that isn't really funny, but at least make an effort to not sound that annoying. I don't want to be the type that has to show off what my husband does for me in some sort of universal my-partner-is-better-than-your-partner competition. Or the aren't-you-jealous-you-poor-single-thing farce.

And you know, these people aren't this way all the time. And I should not be so judgemental. But really, just don't let me get like that. I understand sharing the really cool thing your husband did, or sharing some really nifty talent. But it's all about the attitude. If you feel that it makes you above other people, or if you have ulterior motives, it's gonna come through no matter how much you try to hide it. That makes me sound more bitter than I am, because mainly, I just find it amusing and then I snicker and then I'm the kind of person 'they' don't want to become.

And this blog makes no sense, but I am bored.

Addendum: People who insist on slurping whatever it is that they are eating/drinking in the cubicle right next to you. Believe me, it's just gross.

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